I almost forgot, in all the madness, that I am trying an experiment in my History of Technology class. I detailed the idea in my post from July. But I hadn’t implemented it till this semester.
First a review: in every class I teach online, instead of a traditional discussion board, I assign a set of primary source documents. I put these in Perusall (using the LTI in Canvas), uploaded as a pdf. Students then can select parts of the text, and annotate it. They can respond to each others annotations, and add images or video to help each other read the material.
This semester I’ve tried it with images. I put together two sets of images in Microsoft Word, one for images from the Book of Hours of the Duc de Berry (for the Middle Ages), and one for a collection of postcards from the early 20th century imagining the world in 2000 (for the turn of the 20th century). I then saved each collection as a pdf, and uploading them into Perusall.
I’ve just been reviewing the latter. The History of Technology class is always difficult to get talking. The class attracts a wonderful assortment of students, particularly those in computer science or who already work in information technology. They don’t tend to be much for chit-chat, and some of the written articles on technological history don’t interest them. The pictures, however, have created much more participation.
You can see here that not only did they comment on the images, but that they also replied a lot to each other (the bubble with the number is replies to the comment showing).
So I’m calling this one a success, and plan to do more!
I know there are privacy issues, but seeing an entire thread would have been interesting, too. Maybe you could make an open discussion thread for your friends with some of your more productive pictures?
Well, this kept me busy this morning! It’s a great idea to have a more open discussion for friends and colleagues to try anyway. So anyone who wants to try, go to https://app.perusall.com/courses/test-site-for-faculty, and register for Perusall account if you don’t have one. Then use access code LANE-XT9AV.
I didn’t know about Perusall so this is both interesting and useful. Thanks for the link to try it out.