Three Projects Done

I have just finished three major projects, which combined with others have kept me from posting much on this, my one true blog. But I have been posting — oh my, yes!

cc jayneandd at Flickr

The first collection of my last four months of posts are at my blog for the EC&I 831: Social Media and Open Education class, which I just completed. This was the incredible class I audited a couple of years ago, taught by Alec Couros at the University of Regina. This time I took it for graduate credit. Although it was a lot of work, we were allowed substantial independence in our topics, so I was able to explore ideas about techno-utopian thinking and hype as well as the subject of open education. I have returned even more dedicated to open education as a concept and a mission of my own, and somewhat more cynical about social media.

Emblem7BwtextThe other collection of posts was a continuation of my work for the certificate at the Program for Online Teaching. Although I was in the crew that created our online teaching certificate and its requirements, I had not completed the process to actually earn one of my own until today. Our Pedagogy First! blog requires two semesters, the first exploring pedagogy and tools, and the second engaging in application and helping others.

I saw a kind of community emerge at the PF blog, and I’d like to see it continue. I’m still not sure whether a multi-user blog was the way to do this, although it certainly seemed more open and interesting than a forum in a CMS or a Ning. I hope to explore multi-user WordPress options with AIS.

My third project was my faculty evaluation, which we do every four years (or two, if they want). Influenced by my new dedication toward open education, I put my full evaluation portfolio online. While I would not necessarily want this to be a model for all, or even a few, faculty, most of my work is online teaching so it just made sense to me.

Feels like coming home to be blogging here again!