Spring 2012 Flex Week Workshops

Program for Online Teaching

Spring flex workshops

(register at http://www.miracosta.edu/flex after December 5 — space is limited!)



Tuesday, January 17

 10:00-10:50 am AIS workshop: Blackboard 101: Introduction to Blackboard
     with Karen Korstad, OC4607

Get the information needed to get you up and running in our Blackboard Introduction workshop. With Blackboard, instructors create and manage course content, use publisher content, evaluate performance, and communicate with students. This workshop will introduce you to the course building and communications tools in Blackboard.

  11:00-11:50 am Internet Basics
     with Jim Julius, OC4607

Are you still using Internet Explorer? At a loss when that URL you clicked on in an email doesn’t seem to work? Frustrated at how long it takes to find something useful on the web? Uncertain where to go to get past the crud that seems to litter the web? Or maybe just looking for a few tips and tricks to become more powerful in your use of the Internet? This workshop will help you develop greater comfort with the Internet and your web browser.

Website for this session: Internet Basics

2:00-3:50 pm Screencasting for Student Success
     with Robert Kelley and Jim Sullivan, OC4607

Sharing mini-lecturettes, replying to students, demonstrating a method, or providing students with feedback on their assignments/quizzes can be achieved with screencasting. We’ll focus on learning the basics of Jing, and providing your students with a tour or introduction to your class, website, or learning unit. Hands-on included.

Handout: Jing

 3:00-4:20 AIS workshop: Introduction to the Blackboard Gradebook
     with Karen Korstad, OC4607

Still recording your student’s grades in a paper gradebook? Would you like a secure place to store your grades online for student access 24/7? The Blackboard Grade Center may be the tool for you. In this workshop you will learn the basics of keeping your grades in Blackboard Grade Center.


Wednesday, January 18

1:00-2:20   Moodle as a Stand-Alone Discussion Board
     with Lisa M Lane, OC 4610

Love the idea of Moodle but don’t want to put a whole class there? Moodle’s greatest strength is its discussion forums, which can be used alone as a stand-alone application or for a whole class.

 2:30-3:50 All About Google
     with Jim Julius OC4607

Sure, you know the basics on searching with Google. Are you ready for more? This workshop will introduce you to powerful tools from Google enabling collaborative writing, analysis, data gathering, and presentation; real-time discussions; and even building a website. You just might learn some tricks to make your Google searching more powerful, too.

Website for this session: All About Google

Thursday, January 19: All-Day Workshop!

Beyond the Basics: Choosing Tools and Creating Learning Units Online


    with Pilar Hernández, Jim Sullivan, Robert Kelley, Laura Paciorek, Lisa M Lane, and Claudia Faulk, OC 4804/4809

You’ve got  an online or hybrid class set up, you know some Blackboard and maybe a cool website or two to start you off, but you know there’s so much more! Activities will move between classroom and computer lab. Workshops may also be taken separately. Bring your laptop if you have one. You can register for all day (bring a lunch) or:

10-11:50  How to Choose Good Tools for Online, Hybrid  and Web-Enhanced Teaching — Video is here!

Begin with your own teaching method, then explore which tools will be best for you to realize your pedagogical goals. Hands-on included.

12-12:50 Brownbag Lunch with Roundtable Discussion of Online Teaching

Included for those attending all day or available as an optional one-hour roundtable discussion for all instructors teaching online, hybrid, or web-enhanced classes.

1-2:50 Creating Learning Units for Online and Hybrid Classes– Video is here!

Learn how to organize your class in a way that makes sense for students, based on the familiar principles of a syllabus, with activities as part of a coherent whole. This method works in Blackboard, other systems, and on its own.  Hands-on activities included.

Handouts: Presentation slides, list of links

3-3:50 Drop-in Pedagogy Lab for Online, Hybrid  and Web-Enhanced Teaching

Come get help with your approaches and techniques for online courses and materials!

At San Elijo:

 10:00-10:50 am AIS workshop: Blackboard 101: Introduction to Blackboard
           with Karen Korstad, SAN107
Get the information needed to get you up and running in our Blackboard Introduction workshop. With Blackboard, instructors create and manage course content, use publisher content, evaluate performance, and communicate with students. This workshop will introduce you to the course building and communications tools in Blackboard.

 11:00-12:20 AIS workshop: Introduction to the Blackboard Gradebook

       with Karen Korstad, SAN107
Still recording your student’s grades in a paper gradebook? Would you like a secure place to store your grades online for student access 24/7? The Blackboard Grade Center may be the tool for you. In this workshop you will learn the basics of keeping your grades in Blackboard Grade Center.

Friday, January 20

 1:00-2:20 Enhancing your productivity (and maybe student learning) with free web-based tools
      with Jim Julius, OC4607

Did you know that free tools on the Internet can make you (and maybe your students) more productive? This workshop will introduce five tools to help you be a more effective reader and note-taker, resulting in information customized for you, easily searched, and available on any Internet-connected computer. The tools we’ll try out include Evernote (for note-making), Google Reader and RSS (to automatically gather the latest information from your favorite websites), diigo (to save and annotate useful websites for later reference), Dropbox (for storing and sharing files “in the cloud”), and Instapaper (to save content-oriented websites for later reading, without clutter).

Website for this session: Free Tools

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