Embedding Diigo Outliner in Canvas

So let’s say you’ve created a dynamic list of resources for students using Diigo Outliner (see tutorial here). How could you post that in Canvas?

Diigo Outliner

Diigo’s new Outliner feature allows you to create pages of bookmarks. Here Lisa does so for student resources:

Video: How Video is Failing, and How We Can Fix it (making video interactive)

Julian Ridden, from Instructurecon 2016

Eric Robertson on creating professional-looking video

Google Sites for Educators

Google Site for this workshop

Streamlining Bb Quizzes to Accommodate DSPS Students (And others)

POT workshop: The Magic of Video Clips – YouTube

Moodle Help

Moodle is an alternative course management system based on constructivist pedagogy.

Just getting started? Check out this Moodle Tools Guide.

MiraCosta contracts with Moodlerooms, which hosts the installation we use.

Faculty support for Moodle is currently provided by AELearn.  Click here to open a support ticket.

For faculty to help each other,  join the POT group in Facebook.

But wait! There’s more! See the Moodle 2 category of tutorials!

Creating a custom map with Google maps

Written instructions from Google.

This can be used to have students create virtual field trips.

Moodle Tools Guide – great for beginning Moodlers

[iframe http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/423876/Moodle/Index.html 900 800]